

The vedic civilisation | Indian History | Civilisation |



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After Indus valley civilisation in our Ancient Indian history we have Vedic civilisation . Vedic civilisation associated with the coming of Aryans. From where and when did Aryans come to India is still among the dilemmas of history. However, the great Vedas left by them to the posterity throw some light on their political, social and religious institution and beliefs. The largely accepted view is that the Aryans were nomadic pastoral people who originally inhabited the Caspian sea region of central Asia. Some time in the middle of third millennium BC, they started a great migration towards Europe and Asia. A section of this migratory population reached the frontiers of the Indian subcontinent around 2000 BC, and entered the country in search of pastures. They first settled down in Punjab and it was here in the sacred land the hymns of Rigveda were composed. From Punjab, they moved eastwards and spread all over the Gangetic plain

The Aryans lived in tribes and spoke Sanskrit which belongs to the Indo-European group of languages. They worshipped nature:

·        Varuna, The god of wind and sky

·        Indra, the god of rains and thunders

·        Surya the sun god.

Besides these, there were other deities also. Gradually, the Aryans intermingled with the local people and historic synthesis was worked out between the Aryans tribes and the original inhabitants. They took from the local people many of their culture and religious and their customs, and in turn gave them their own language Sanskrit, their spirit of Adventure and their great literacy tradition. This new synthesis of culture which evolved out of the intermixing of Aryans and the indigenous people, broadly came to known as Hinduism.

The later Vedic period, which extends upto 600 BC, saw the expansion of Aryan power into the interior of Northern India and helped to consolidate tribes in bigger states through merger and extinction. The Ramayana and Mahabharata , the two great epics of this period, give an idea of the times and culture of the later Vedic period. The king in the later Vedic period was an absolute ruler. The society, However did not change much in its mode of living and dress. But the caste system  had taken root and the people strictly observed the rulers of their caste. Brahmins enjoyed utmost respect because of their religiosity and devotion to scholarly pursuits as well as life of simplicity and austerity. The rituals and sacrifices become more elaborate. The powers of king increased and king ship became hereditary. Larger states, both kingdoms and republics, were developed. The rural character of Aryan settlement had been transformed  with  the growth of a number of township and forts.

Finally this the brief explanation of Vedic civilisation .I all you are this article and information. If you notice any mistakes and corrections my article please let known in comment section. I hope you people understand this information. Like Indus valley civilisation  this Vedic civilisation  is very important in our many exams like civil services and groups. So don’t neglect this topic. That’s why I cover all our Indian History by one by one in my website so please subscribe to my website to get mail notifications

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