

The incredible Human brain-TIf knowledge

 The incredible human brain

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The brain a 3 pounds organ of our human body which controls all human body pats in a proper manner, without brain we can’t imagine our human body. Human brain is powerful organ in our body. Do you known? How our brain works and structure our brain. Let us one by one answer for each question

What’s inside

1. structure of human brain

2. How our brain works? 

3. what is IQ?

1. Structure of brain

Our brain is composed of cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem. These 3 are major parts of our human brain. Let us importance of each part in below


Cerebrum is largest part of brain and it is composed of right and left hemisphere. It performs higher functions like interpreting touch, vision and hearing as well as speech and reasoning and fine movements 


Cerebrum is located under cerebrum. The main function of cerebrum is to coordinate muscle movements and maintain posture


Brainstem act as a center connecting between cerebrum and cerebellum to spinal cord. Brainstem performs many automatic functions That we can’t control, means breathing, heart rate, body temperature etc. 

The two hemispheres of brain

We known that cerebrum is divided into two halves one is right hemisphere and another one is left hemisphere. These two hemispheres joined by a bundle of fibers called the corpous callosum that transmits message from one side to other

Each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body means Right hemisphere controls left side body organs left hemisphere controls right side body organs

Lobes of the brain

The cerebrum hemispheres are divided into 4 lobes. There are very complex relation ship between the lobes of the brain and right and left hemispheres. Here that names of that lobes

1. fronal lobe

2. parietal lobe 

3. Occipital lobe

4. Temporal lobe

2. How our brain works? 


Our brain is amazing thing in our universe. Our brain consists 100 billon number of neurons. Each neuron connect to another 1000 neurons .this like our brain contains 1000 trillons neurons connections are there.this connection is called synopsis. In our brain electro chemical signals are passes through one neuron to another. If we touch any hot object with hands then hands passes signals to nerves and nerves pass signals to spinal cord finally it reaches to brain. Then brain pass signal to hand to go away from that hot object. However this process done in less than one second time. This means in our brain signals pass 119m/s speed. Once imagine how fast our brain works. Our brain is powerful than a super computer. Our brain performs 38 thousand trillion operations per second

3. what is IQ?

IQ means intelligence quotient. IQ is a reading which measure our inteligent .iq reading is differnt in different persons

IQ reading                                  Intelligence of person

    80-84                  =                   Dull intelligence 

    90-109               =                    average intelligence 

    120-119.            =                    superior intelligence 

    120-140.            =                    very superior intelligence 

    160+                  =                     genius person

There are many website on internet to check our IQ reading go through that website check your IQ reading. 

Knowledge increases by sharing not by shaving. So plz share this information,  thank you. 

And if known telugu language please on this about brain telugu for video



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