

The indian nobel prize Recipients -Tif knowledge


Nobel prize recipients in india

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 noble prize is the first international award given annually since 1901.The founder of Nobel prize is Alfred Nobel. Nobel is given for achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature, and Peace. The prize consists of medal, a personal diploma and a prize amount. The festival day of nobel foundation is on the 10th of December, the death anniversary of the testator. The award carries a cash prize of 13.5 Lakh American Dollars.

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Indian Nobel recipients



Rabindranath Tagore was first ( Indian) Asian to receive A Noble prize in 1913. He was popularly known as Gurudev, India’s poet Laureate Tagore was born on 7th may 1861 in Kolkata. He was awarded Nobel prize for Literature in recognition of his work Geethanjali, a Collection of poems, in 1913.Tagore wrote many love lyrics. Geethanjali and sadhana are among  his important works. The poet, dramatist and novelist is also the author of Indian national anthem. Because of his great work on literature he got Noble prize.



India’s first Nobel prize for physics was claimed in 1930 by the renowned physicist sir C.V.Raman. Born at thiruvanaikkaval near Tiruchirappalli in Tamil nadu, Raman studied at Presidency college, chennai.  Later, he served as professor of physics at calcutta University. Recipient of many honored awards, including the title SIR. Sir c. v.raman received the nobel prize for an important optics research, in which  he discovered diffusion of light contained a rays of wave length -this is popularly known as Raman effect .


Hargobind was awarded  nobel prize for Medicine in 1968. Of Indian origin,Dr.khorana was born in Raipur, Punjab ( now it is in Pakistan) . He took his doctoral degree in chemistry from Liver pool University and joined the University of Wisconsin as a faculty member in 1960. His major break through in field of Medicine-interpreting the genetic code.


4.MOTHER TERESA (1910-1997)

The Nobel peace prize was awarded to Mother Teresa in 1979. The actual name of mother Teresa is Albanian parentage Ag-nes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. She was born at Skopje ,now in Yugoslavia. She joined the Irish order of the sisters of Loretta at Dublin in 1928 and came to Calcutta in 1929 as a missionary, only to find the misery of the abandoned and the destitute.  Concern for the poor and the sick prompted  her to found  a new congregation, missionaries of charity.  Having become an Indian citizen, Mother Teresa served the cause of dying destitute, lepers and drug addicts, through nirmal hriday the main center of her activity .



The Nobel prize for physics in 1983 was awarded to Dr.S. Chandrasekhar ,an Indian-born astrophysicist. Ed-ucated in presidency College, Chennai. He later migrated to united states where he au-thored several books on Astro-physics and stellar Dynamics. He developed a theory on white Dwarf stars which posts a limit of mass of Dwarf stars known as Chandrasekhar limits.



Prof. Amartya Sen is the recipient of Nobel prize for Economics for the year 1998, becoming the first Asian to have been honoured with the award. The santiniketan-born economist who is a pioneer in Welfare Economics has to his credit several books and papers



V. Ramakrishna is the latest of our Nobel prize winners as he won the prize for chemistry in 2009. He was born in Tamilnadu. He was born in 1952 at Chidambaram. He was A seniors scientist at the MRC Laboratory of molecular Biology at Cambridge. He complete B. Sc. In physics from Baroda university. He moved into Biology at the university of California, and then conduct research with Dr.  Mauricio Montal. He won that prize for his Studied of the structure and function of ribosomes.



Satyarthi is the eighth Nobel prize laureate to have been born in india. He has focused his agitations against the exploration of children for financial gain. He is the  founder of the Bachpan Andolan(save the childhood movement). He got Nobel prize for his peace in 2014.



He got Nobel prize in the field economic science. He got Nobel prize in 2019. He done more hard word on experiments and he many experiments.


Finally there 9 Indians got Nobel prizes (since2019) in varies fields .The number May be  increases in further. 


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