

The modern 7 wonders of the world| The new 7 wonders| Tif knowledge

 The new 7 wonders of the world

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IN this world there are many beautiful places and wonderful constructions. They may be naturally birth or man made constructions. These man made constructions are attracted to millions of people. Of course there are many man made thing in world But only 7 are selected as best in the world. These are 7 wonders of the world: Tajmahal, Great wall of china,Machhu pichhu,chicken itza, colosseum, Christ the redeemer,petra.These 7 wonders was announced by UNESCO(united nations educations, scientific and cultural organization) in 07-07-2007.let us known one by one in below.

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Great wall of china

This great wall of china is not a single wall. It consist group of walls which extents northern side of china. Great wall of china is longest man made structure in the world. It was 13,000miles(21,196km) long wall. The construction of this wall is first started by Emperor Qin Shi Huang. He is belongs to Qin dynasty. The main purpose of to construct  this wall is to protect from their neighbor kingdoms(Mongolian kingdoms). Nearly 400,000 people were die during this wall construction. After death of Emperor Qin shi Huang other china dynasties are continue the construction of this wall, finally during 14th centaury to 17th centaury Ming dynasty kings are finish this construction. In 1987 UNESCO was consider great wall of china is one of the world heritage site. 

Taj mahal 

It is located in India at the place of Agra near the river yamuna,Tajmahal was build by shah jahan .He is one the Mughal emperor. The main reason for construction of Tajmahal is remains of shah jahan’s beloved wife, There are 20,000 worker and 1000 Elephants was used to construct tajmahal.Finally Tajmahal was construct in 1632.Taj mahal is made with marble stone. That’s why Taj mahal  shines different colors in different times. In 1983 UNESCO consider Taj mahal is world heritage site. 


It is located at center of Rome city in Italy. It is an Amphitheatre means one type of stadium. Colosseum is world’s largest Amphitheatre. This construction was first started by Emperor Vespasian in 72AD and finished by Emperor Tites in 80AD. Then the time of colosseum opening Emperor Tites scarifies 9,000 animals at a time, colosseum is one type Amphitheatre which conduct rituals and competitions. There is competitions between animals and warrior. In this competitions nearly 5 lakh people and 10 lakh animals were die. Colosseum has 80,000 seats to see that rituals and competitions. Nearly 2/3 part of colossusem was collapse during 847AD and 1231AD earthquake.


It is located at Eastern cordillera of southern Peru on a mountain 7,970 Feet’s above. MACHHU PICHHU construction belongs to Inca civilization. It was constructed in year 1450 by Inca Emperor. But nobody known about MACHHU PICHHU still 1911 Because it is located on a mountain which is 7,970 Feet’s long. In the year 1911 an American Historian Hiram Bingham introduce about MACHHU PICHHU To world. But nobody known how MACHHU PICHHU was construct on a mountain then that time. Many people argue that it was construct by Aliens.


It is located at Brazil. CHRIST THE REDEEMER is the art statue of Jesus Christ. This statue is constructed on 700 meters long corcovado mountain . This First created by French sculptor Paul landow ski But it build by Brazil engineer Heitor da saliva costa. Finally this statue is build in between 1922-1931 time period. It is one of the largest statue in the world.

Chicken Itza 

Chicken Itza is an archaeological site located at Mexico. It was build by Mayan people in  9th centaury to 12th centaury. It was a naga dev temple. It was most visted place in mexico. It was 30 meters high and looks like a pyramid. Chicken Itza 365 steps, means it indicate one year has 365days. Back side of chicken Itza has one well . Then time there is no rains for getting more rains Mayan people jump into that well and sacrifice their lives. In 1988 chicken Itza became world heritage site. 


It is located at Jordan. Petra is an historical aretitecture in Jordan. In Greek language Petra means rock.  It was build by nabatian kings in 6th centaury. Actually Petra is a city which is capital to nabatian kings then that time. Because of one strong Earth quake in 363AD Petra city collapsed under sand. Until 1812 the world didn’t known Petra . In 1812 Switzerland historian rediscovered this city. That’s why Petra is also known as the lost city. Petra is also known as Rose city because of the colors its rocks are in pink. In 1988 UNESCO take Petra is world heritage site. 

Finally these are the new 7 wonders of the world. Knowledge increase by sharing not by shaving so please share this information your friends, family etc. 

For full understanding please this video. 
K pavan kumar
Gmail: killanapavankumar@gmail.com

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