

13 simple and effective natural acid reflux home remedies for heartburn

Acid reflux, also known as heartburn, is the most common problem in many people these days. It is one type of burning sensation in our esophagus(a hollow tube in which food and liquids pass from our mouth to our stomach). According to one US survey, approximately 14% of US people suffer heartburn at least once a month.

acid reflux home remedies
food image by jane doan from pixels/Copyright 2018

Heartburn lasts for a few minutes, and in some cases can last up to hours, for this uncomfortable sensation, market their available so many medications for treat acid reflux but those medicines give relief at that certain instant, for this acid reflux home remedies are the best solution which gives long term relief, they are easy to made and effective for use, so in this article, we are going to discuss those acid reflux home remedies in detail manner.

1. Understanding Acid reflux; causes and symptoms

As we discussed earlier, heartburn manifests as a burning sensation. Now, let's delve deeper. Before we consume food, the stomach releases acidic content(stomach acid) to aid in breaking down the incoming food. After the food is broken down, the acidic remnants persist."

During our meals for passing food through the esophagus valve the muscles inside become relaxed, after meals this valve is contracted to prevent the break of food and acids coming back or weakened lower esophageal sphincter (LES), LES is the muscle that separates the stomach from the esophagus.

Now if this valve is not working in proper intervals and gets abnormally relaxed after getting meals leads to getting back the breaking down food and acids which seems like burning at our chest and throat

1.1 The main causes of this Acid reflux are:

  • Our food habits like eating junk foods, spicy foods, and more acidic content foods 
  • Improper diet 
  • Irregular sleeping hours
  • Stress management
  • quitting smoking and drinking, etc.

1.2 Acid reflux symptoms:

  HEARTBURN:  You might feel a burning discomfort in your chest, often after eating, a Fiery sensation.

 Regurgitation: Sometimes you may feel a sour or bitter taste in your mouth and throat because of acidic content in your stomach comes back to your mouth 

acid reflux
image by Image by Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay/copyright 2018

 DIFFICULTY SWALLOWING: Acid reflux leads to the narrowing of your esophagus valve muscles and gives pain when you swallow the food 

The reaction of an acid with a base gives salt and water is known as the neutralization process in this process concentration of acid is decreased this is a basic mechanism that will happen with our acid reflux home remedies.

2.simple acid reflux home remedies


Also known as sodium bicarbonate, it is alkaline which can neutralize stomach acid

baking soda
baking soda image by kaboompics.com from pixels/copyright 2014

              Procedure: Mix ½ to 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink with an empty stomach for instant relief, use this baking soda occasionally to avoid the side effects, when this alkaline baking soda mixes with the acidic content which is present in your stomach it can quickly neutralize them and gives heartburn relief

             NOTE: Don’t use excess baking soda, because more alkaline content staying in our stomach again leads to discomfort to our body, excess of both acidic and alkaline content is dangerous to our health


Apple cider vinegar is a fermented liquid made with crushed apples, which is used as a one of acid reflux home remedies it has so many health benefits including acid reflux (heartburn)

apple cider vinegar
apple cider vinegar by tijana drndarski from pixels/copyright 2019

Procedure: mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of unfiltered ACV in a glass of water, and drink this mix before meals to balance the acidic content in your stomach, Basically ACV is alkaline in nature which can easily neutralize the acidic content 

NOTE: Use organic ACV to get better results


Ginger tea contains anti-inflammatory properties which help with many digestive issues, which is used as a one of acid reflux home remedies

GINGER image by joris neyt from pixels/copyright 2016

Procedure: Take a small slice of GINGER and chew it, Ginger can be consumed before and after your meals which helps to clear the digestive tract because it contains anti-inflammatory properties when there is inflammatory discomfort in your esophagus valve due to acidic content(stomach acid), Ginger can reduce the discomfort of heartburn. It has so many health benefits not only digestive issues


yes, chewing sugar-free gum is a simple habit but it can be greatly effective  for acid reflux problems

             Procedure: we have to chew nearly half an hour after meals; chewing gum simulates the saliva production in your mouth which helps to neutralize the acid in your stomach, when you swallow the saliva in your mouth, saliva bounces back the acidic content (stomach acid)into the stomach and avoids the heartburn symptoms

              NOTE: use only sugar-free chewing gums 

aloe vera
Image by Franziska Ingold from Pixabay/copyright 2017

Likewise, Ginger Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory properties, Aloe vera juice is a popular remedy for digestive issues and it has numerous health benefits

Procedure: Drink aloe vera juice before and after meals, due to its anti-inflammatory properties it can reduce the burning sensation in your esophagus and give relief 


Slippery elm is a tree that is widely grown in North America, slippery elm's inner bark is medicine for so many health benefits one of which being acid reflux 

Procedure: you have to consume this slippery elm in the form of capsules or teas and the dosage should be recommended by doctors and intense of your heartburn

chamomile tea
Image by Natalia Koroshchenko from Pixabay/copyright 2018

It contains anti-inflammatory properties, which is used as a one of acid reflux home remedies it has been used for many centuries for digestive issues, we can get instant relief from a burning sensation by drinking this chamomile tea

  When we sip a warm cup of chamomile tea before bedtime our digestive tract gets relief from discomfort and burning sensationChamomile tea is mostly drunk during the nighttime 

bananas Image by StockSnap from Pixabay/copyright 2015

It has an alkaline nature which is the best Remedy for acid reflux. Which are easily available in the market, banana works efficiently when your stomach has an excess level of acidic content, which their alkaline nature can neutralize

You can take bananas as a snack or with your meals but you should eat bananas daily when your heart-burning symptoms go higher day by day

NOTE: Eating more than of banana required can lead to things worse than before



breakfast Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay/copyright 2020

you must include this oatmeal when you have your breakfast, oatmeal is a soothing option that can absorb excess acid, which is used as a one of acid reflux home remedies

If you take this oatmeal, especially during the morning you can comfortably start your day, oats contain rich fibers that help you stay active during the day 


you can use this almond milk as a replacement for your regular milk in your recipes, almond milk is a valuable substitution for regular milk, it is alkaline which may help you give relief from acid reflux


We can consume this Marshmallow root in the form of tea or supplements, we know heartburn is mainly in the part of the esophagus valve, if we consume this Marshmallow it will create a small layer on this esophagus which acts like a shield to the esophagus, and reduce the burning sensation, You can take this tea before a meal or take suggestions from health professionals.

2.12 PAPAYA:
papaya Image by Rogerio Rogeriomda from Pixabay/copyright 2015

Papaya has rich enzymes that aid digestion and reduce acid reflux, its rich enzymes give us a natural choice for heart-burning remedies

You can take this papaya as a snack or a part of the meal, it will contribute to heartburn when you are uncomfortable breathing


This is a natural digestive aid, chewing these seeds will reduce acid reflux and increase the potential of your digestive system

You can take these seeds after having your meal, these fennel seeds aid digestive, reduce bloating reduce the symptoms of acid reflux, and relieve heartburn

          3.Lifestyle Changes for long-term relief


  1. Drink 4 to 5 liters of water every day it enhances your digestive system mechanism and gives greater results
  • Eat smaller but frequently to avoid overload of your stomach
  • Chewing the food slowly and properly to avoid indigestion
  • Avoid trigger food items
vegetable image by openclipart-vectors from pixabay/copyright 2013

      You have to change your food habits, don’t eat spicy food items, avoid eating more acidic content food items, don’t overload your stomach, eat only how much your body needs, don't go to junk food and juices, eat meals in a proper interval of periods irregular intervals may lead to indigestion and acid reflux problems 

  • Do moderate exercise regularly to maintain proper body weight (lose weight)
  • Do yoga every day to enhance breathing control which helps with heartburn problems      
gymnast stick man
Workouts image by ha11 ok from Pixabay/copyright 2017

                  You have to do exercises regularly to maintain body fat and weight because being overweight leads to gastric problems which is the major cause of your heartburn 

Sleeping image by Pixabay from pixels/copyright 2011

Adjusting the sleeping position plays a crucial role in acid reflux problems, when we sleep our upper body should be elevated a little bit for this we have to use wedge pillows because when the upper portion of our body is elevated then the acidic content in our stomach can’t move back through the esophagus


Stop smoking and drinking as fast as possible when you are faced with this acid reflux problem because things get even worse day by day  


            Dressing style also plays a crucial role when we face digestive issues because wearing tight dresses may increase pressure on our stomach which leads to  Worse symptoms of heartburn              

  • Avoid large meals during the night
  • Take meals in regular intervals in smaller quantities
healthy food
Image by Rita und mit  from Pixabay

If you take large meals before going to bed, acid reflux symptoms may increase because you didn't do any work so some extra burden will be on your digestive system if you can take large quantities your digestive tracts will be disturbed

Taking meals in regular intervals may help to active our digestive system according to particular regular periods in those regular intervals they may work more efficiently and reduce the risk of heartburn 


Stress is also one of the main reasons for increasing acid reflux symptoms, so you have to manage your stress levels by practicing meditation and yoga

You can easily control your stress by practicing meditation and yoga which would help to reduce the risks of acid reflux


You have to maintain a consistent sleep schedule because our body gets major rest during the sleeping time if we do not sleep well it will affect our health which includes digestive issues 

Every day you must get at least 7-8 hours of sleep otherwise the risk of acid reflux will increase more and more 


Keep tracing your food meal regularly, before having your meal identify the trigger food for example if your meal may have spicy food, or acidic content food then you should better not go to that type of food item because it may promote the acidic content levels in your stomach and leads to acid reflux home remedies for heartburn symptoms

Trigger food image by Cottonbro Studio from pixels/copyright 2020

            Prevention is better than cure, which means if you follow these life adjustments properly you may not suffer from this acid reflux at a young age and these acid reflux home remedies are really helpful for health

Knowledge increases by sharing not simply by shaving if your family members relatives or friends face this type of problem you can share this information with them 


It is essential to consult health professionals before using these ACID REFULX HOME REMIDIES.

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